The Change In Life

                          Me! 🙂 Cancun, Mexico

With all the travels I have participated in so far, I have come to learn a lot about change and what the benefit of such a natural part of life has to offer.

First and foremost… change is inevitable.
There is nothing that can stop it and there is nothing that can slow it down – change is continuos.
In the most obvious way it is with our beings, the change we are faced with each and every day and that is age.
Our lifeform is continuously developing in time…

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La Ville de L’amour

The Eiffel Tower – Paris, France

I guess a part of being a hopeless romantic is having fallen in love with La Ville de L’amour – The City Of Love…
And this is definitely a city to fall in love with – from the breathtaking views to the magnificent architecture that the streets and buildings alone hold with such mesmerizing beauty – I can definitely understand why this city has been given such a personalized label.

So naturally, inspired by this lovely city… I will speak to you of love

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The Beauty In Travel

Do you see it? The beauty in this photo? It lies in the opportunity behind it…
From the moment you pack your bags new experience is underway – your travel has begun.
And I love airports because they are a significant sign of new beginnings, new feeling and new perspective. There is nothing that can open your mind more than to allow your soul to embrace the gift of travel – to go beyond what you are comfortable with. It is fuelled with adrenaline and a rush of excitement and the frequently missed present moment.

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Conquering Fear

Conquering fear…

It is going out of your comfort zone – doing what you you believe you couldn’t…
It begins when you first learn to walk… you fall a few times, and even though you’ve fallen you still get back up – unsure but determined. Eventually you find balance and become confident in the steps you are taking…
Then after it’s learning to ride a bike – it’s taking those training wheels off that you’re comfortable with and taking a risk… “What if I fall?”
“But what if you don’t?”

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Message From The Universe

2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11.

I am falling from the sky and below there is an island with mountains and sunshine and ocean…
As I am falling, I notice the closer I get it turns to snow… until a voice in the back of my mind says; “that is not where you are meant to be, this is where you are meant to be” and I am redirected – now lost, in a field of green and the snow is no longer around me – instead I am surrounded by a sea of ocean and dormant volcanoes…
But here he is, someone I have never even met before and he reassures me I am exactly where I am suppose to be.
And as quick as it all seemed to happen – I wake up.

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Feelings Of Expression

Baby you just wear your heart on your sleeve
and over and over it bursts out and bleeds.
And you don’t even try to do any harm,
you just say how you feel until boom goes a bomb.
And destruction takes place where there should have been peace
but how could you know the truth meant unease?
It isn’t your fault they don’t understand
your true intentions are to lend out a hand.
Because to love so pure it is not for yourself
but to care for another without even a doubt.
Even through all the pain your love remains true
and the scars that you wear – a reflection of you
oh, do you ever wear them beautifully…

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A tugging in my chest and my stomach is what I feel – and it pulls me towards you.
It is a risk, that is for sure, but it is one I am willing to take…
Brave, is what they call it… but an unexplainable feeling, a knowing of not knowing – a sixth sense is what it is.
You don’t just stop what you’re doing all of a sudden and choose to leave the routine of life you have created – it is an inner sensation that guides you into this fearless decision, one that goes beyond the limitations of your mind.
It is all but a choice between thought and self… and only few are able to trust it.
A sense that fuels itself from within is the guide to listen too and to follow.

Continue reading “Intuition”

To Love Our Earth (Raw & Uncut Feelings From My Soul)

I can no longer believe that all there is to life is a 9 to 5.
I can no longer find a way to convince myself to follow these rules; the ‘go to school and get a job after college’.
I am blocking out the propaganda that has taken over our world and has convinced so many that all there is to life is this pattern of survival.
I was not brought into this world just to listen to someone else tell me how I am going to live.
I was not brought into this world to fear the progress of others because it did not confirm my own.

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